Clean Green Schools Initiative (PON 4924)

Due Date:  07/27/2022  (Round 1); 06/06/2024  (Round 2); 12/30/2025  (Round 3)


The P-12 Schools: Clean Green Schools Initiative is available to help public schools that traditionally lack resources to invest in infrastructure improvements become healthier, more productive learning environments.  This Program aims to improve the environmental sustainability of those schools by reducing school energy loads, decarbonizing their building portfolio, improving indoor air quality (IAQ), and providing clean energy educational opportunities.  

  • Track II: All public school districts across NYS that are designated as High-Needs by the New York State Education Department or school buildings which are located in a disadvantaged community.  

Track I – Planning
Track I is open-enrollment and provides funding for professional services such as energy studies, on-site energy manager, and fiscal advisors to help schools evaluate, plan for, and facilitate comprehensive energy reduction, decarbonization, environmental sustainability, and indoor air quality projects. Schools participating in the program may receive a suite of services through Track I, up to the funding caps included in Table 1 of the Program Opportunity Notice (PON).  Track I may be used towards project planning associated with Track II. Participation in Track I is not a requirement to participate in Track II, but schools must have an energy study or equivalent analysis completed at the time of a Track II application. 

Track 2 – Installation
Track II is competitive and provides funding for schools to implement construction projects that decarbonize their building portfolios, such as comprehensive retrofits that impact energy consumption and overall building load, electrification readiness projects, and conversion of central heating and/or cooling plants to clean energy technologies such as heat pumps. Track II project costs are up to 100% funded, with a maximum possible funding amount of $5,030,000 per building and $10,100,000 for multiple buildings.  Interested proposers must highlight carbon reduction, resulting improved indoor air quality, and a path towards decarbonization.
Clean Energy Educational and Professional Development Activities
Schools participating in Track I and Track II of the program may receive funding to support eligible activities that create or further clean energy educational opportunities for students, faculty, staff, and the surrounding community. NYSERDA will support a range of workforce development and student educational activities for P-12 students that explore, support, or promote decarbonization efforts in their schools and communities.  

Clean Energy and Professional Development Activities project costs are up to 100% funded, with a maximum possible funding of $10,000 per building ($50,000 for districts) for activities associated with Track I and up to $30,000 per building ($100,000 for districts) for activities associated with Track II.



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