Climate Justice Fellowship (PON 4772)

Due Date:  Continuous


NYSERDA is seeking applications from organizations who wish to host a full-time Climate Justice Fellow for 1 year. NYSERDA will fund the fellow’s salary as well as wraparound services and/or supplemental professional development. Fellows must be NYS residents and members of a priority population and/or reside in a disadvantaged community. Host employers must be working to advance climate justice/clean energy priorities for disadvantaged communities. It is anticipated that fellows will work with community-based organizations, universities, municipalities, tribal nations, career technology education (CTE) programs for K-12 schools, public libraries, climate tech innovators/start-ups, venture development organizations and clean energy businesses.

It is expected that fellows will assist with community engagement activities (e.g., plan, policy, or project), support clean energy project development and implementation, facilitate partnership building, support clean energy innovation companies, or engage in other projects related to advancing climate justice and clean energy priorities in disadvantaged communities.

NYSERDA anticipates funding approximately 150 fellowships through 2025, and will work with State and federal agencies, non-profits, foundations, and other partners to leverage existing resources, wraparound services, training, and supplemental professional development opportunities. For eligible host employers, the total award amount is capped at $40,000 per fellow.

A total of $6 Million in funding is available for this program. Applications from eligible host employers will be accepted on a continuous first-come, first-served basis until funds are expended. Funding may be adjusted based on demand and availability of additional funds.

Host employers must submit a Host Employer Application to confirm their eligibility for the program. Once selected host employers will then be invited to identify fellows, by submitting Fellow Applications, or selecting them from NYSERDA’s fellow directory. Upon approval of the fellow candidate, the host employers submit a Fellowship Application and Fellowship Plan. After a brief review and approval period, fellows can begin work. Fellows across different organizations will be assembled into cohorts on a quarterly basis and mandatory professional development support services for fellows will be provided for 12 months per cohort.


Application Submission


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