Cooperative Advertising and Training for Clean Energy Partners (4482)

Due Date:  Continuous


NYSERDA’s Cooperative (Co-op) Advertising and Training Program for Clean Energy Partners provides cost-sharing incentives to support advertising, special promotions and/or events, including training, for eligible clean energy technologies including cold-climate air source heat pumps, ground source heat pumps, energy efficiency (i.e. air sealing and insulation.) The co-op advertising and training funds can be used to promote industry focused advertising and manufacturer-led sales, design and/or installation training. This program promotes the benefits and available offers to drive the adoption of Clean Energy.

Potential applicants are required to read the Co-op Advertising and Training Program Manual for eligibility and requirements.

Contractor support is available by emailing 
[email protected] or calling 518-944-4314.


Application Submission


BEFORE YOU BID: NYSERDA requires contractors producing content intended to be published to the World Wide Web to adhere to NYSERDA's Accessibility Policy. This includes, but is not limited to, deliverables such as: documents (PDF, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, etc.), audio (.mp3, .wav, etc.), video (.mp4, .mpg, .avi, etc.), graphics (.jpg, .png, etc.), web pages (.html, .aspx, etc.), and other multimedia and streaming media content. For more information, see NYSERDA's Accessibility Requirements [PDF].

Some files may require a free "helper" application to view: Adobe Acrobat PDF Reader Link opens in new window |  Free Microsoft Office Apps Link opens in new window