Clean Heat for All: Packaged Terminal Heat Pump Program (PON 5907)

Due Date:  02/20/2025  (Round 1)


Through this solicitation, NYSERDA is seeking proposals from innovative heat pump manufacturers capable of developing, demonstrating and scaling production of Packaged Terminal Heat Pumps (PTHPs) that are designed as retrofit or replacement solutions for one or more of three (3) categories of existing room conditioning products:
  1. Standard Size Packaged Terminal Air Conditioning (PTAC)
  2. PTAC in Hydronic Cabinets
  3. Through-the-Wall Air Conditioning
Awarded funding will support product development and field demonstration of PTHP products that can be installed using existing through-wall openings without requiring building electrical infrastructure upgrades. Heat pumps developed with support from the Program will provide high-efficiency heating and cooling performance at New York’s hottest and coldest temperatures and offer advanced features to improve indoor air quality and tenant comfort. 

Available Funding
Up to $1,250,000 per product is available for product development and field demonstration support:
  • Product development grant of up to $250,000 per product, per manufacturer, to support development of new, or modification of existing packaged terminal heat pump equipment.
  • Up to $1,000,000 per product, per manufacturer, to fund field demonstration of the new PTHP products in NYS buildings qualified as eligible demonstration sites.
Additional Program Activities
PON 5907 is part of a set of NYSERDA solicitations designed to transform the NYS market for high-efficiency, cold-climate rated Packaged Terminal Heat Pumps. Additional activities include collaborating with NYS building owners and operators to become qualified Demonstration Partners through RFQL 5937 and offering early adopter incentives for eligible PTHP products.
Please see the Program page on the NYSERDA website for more information. 

General Information
Proposals will be accepted through 3:00 p.m. ET on February 20, 2025.
NYSERDA will host an optional informational webinar for potential proposers and interested real estate partners on Thursday, December 12, 2024 at 11 a.m. ET. Register for the webinar here.
Please submit questions by 5:00 p.m. ET on December 11, 2024 to the Program email address: [email protected]


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