Advanced Nuclear Request for Information (RFI 5946)

Due Date:  Continuous


Due Date:  Open Until Further Notice
Solicits information from entities either already pursuing, or interested in pursuing, a potential role in advanced nuclear energy technology development in New York, and details on those roles. This Request for Information will help to support consideration of any next steps New York State may take in this regard. Potential respondents include stakeholders interested in advanced nuclear solutions to serve their energy needs, supply chain entities, (potential) host communities, workforce entities, project developers, financing/funding entities, and those working on research and development.

Respondents should review the RFI document and are asked to respond to the questions set out in the RFI document through the online response portal.  

Responses to this RFI are preferred and encouraged as soon as practical in order to support timely consideration and appropriate follow-up. We will accept submissions until further notice.  
As regards advanced nuclear generation projects, consideration in this RFI is restricted to New York Independent System Operator (NYSISO) Control Area Load Zones A-F.  Consideration of all other aspects addressed here (energy consumers, supply chain, workforce) extends to all parts of New York State.

NYSERDA does not intend to publish responses to this RFI. Results from this RFI will help to support consideration of any next steps New York State may take in regard to advanced nuclear energy development.
This RFI is NOT aimed at stakeholder input regarding nuclear power and its role in New York, as such. NYSERDA commenced a process to collect that feedback, as well as views on a range of issues related to nuclear energy, separately through a public comment process relating to Draft Blueprint for Consideration of Advanced Nuclear Technologies.

Application Submission

Associated Documents


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