Appliance Upgrade Program- Application for Retailer and Contractor Enrollment (PON 5859)

Due Date:  Continuous


The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has introduced the Home Electrification and Appliance Rebates (HEAR) program using funding from the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA). The IRA established population-based formula grant funding to be provided to State Energy Offices to develop and implement programs under administrative rules established by the DOE. NYSERDA recently received approval from the DOE to administer the Appliance Upgrade Program (Program) under HEAR and NYSERDA will provide Program Appliance rebates to income-eligible New Yorkers as well as rebates for Electrical Wiring and Panel Upgrades necessary for the Program Appliance installations. NYSERDA will offer such rebates to households below 150% AMI (State's Area Median Income). For the launch of the Program, only ENERGY STAR® certified heat pump clothes dryers (including all-in-one washer-dryers with heat pump dryers) will be eligible for Program Appliance rebates. NYSERDA intends to offer rebates for ENERGY STAR® certified induction stoves/cooktops/ranges in a future Program update.

Through this PON, NYSERDA seeks to enroll both retailers and contractors as Participating Retailers and Participating Contractors, respectively, to participate in the Program. Participating Retailers will provide Program Appliance rebates at the point-of-sale (through the Appliance Coupon), and Participating Contractors will provide Appliance, Electrical Wiring Upgrade and Panel Upgrade Installations as well as rebates for such Program Measures. Participating Contractors are eligible to receive installation incentives for each Program Measure.

Interested contractors can apply here: Contractor Application.

Interested retailers can apply here: Retailer Application

Retailers can access the MyEnergy Portal Training Session here


BEFORE YOU BID: NYSERDA requires contractors producing content intended to be published to the World Wide Web to adhere to NYSERDA's Accessibility Policy. This includes, but is not limited to, deliverables such as: documents (PDF, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, etc.), audio (.mp3, .wav, etc.), video (.mp4, .mpg, .avi, etc.), graphics (.jpg, .png, etc.), web pages (.html, .aspx, etc.), and other multimedia and streaming media content. For more information, see NYSERDA's Accessibility Requirements [PDF].

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