Natural Carbon Solutions Innovation Challenge (PON 5180)

Due Date:  08/20/2024  (Round 2)


Provides funding for innovative approaches to reduce greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) and advance New York’s clean energy goals.

NYSERDA is issuing Round 2 of funding for two Challenge Areas:
  1. Innovations in Green Cooling: Research, development, and demonstration of tools, technologies and strategies that increase adoption, performance, and benefits of nature-based approaches to passive cooling, resilience, and reliability in extreme heat.
  2. Carbon Negative Buildings: Demonstration, introduction and scale up of carbon negative products in New York State that support building energy efficiency.
Successful projects will be able to self-sustain beyond the period funded by NYSERDA, catalyze additional private investment if needed, and may inform changes to policy. Submissions must demonstrate significant improvements over the current state of practice with scalable approaches to address the goals of New York’s Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act, including GHG emissions reductions, benefits to rate payers, disadvantaged communities, resilience, and the environment.

A webinar is scheduled for July 23, 2024 from 1-3 p.m., EST, and a teaming list will be provided; updates will be posted to the funding opportunities website.  Proposers who wish to be included on the public teaming list should submit the requested information to the Designated Contact to have their information added so others may contact them (Name, organization, email address, brief description of your capability, description of collaborations/ team members sought). Note, this is not required, it is purely optional for the purpose of facilitating teaming and bringing awareness to entities interested in collaboration in these topic areas.  Presence on the teaming list does not constitute endorsement by NYSERDA – interested parties are strongly cautioned to perform their own due diligence.

Please note that PON 5180 Round 2 has two Challenge Areas, with each having a different scope, application requirements, eligibility criteria, and funding. Therefore, Please see Attachment A1 or Attachment A2 for information on the respective Challenge Areas and please use either Attachment C1 or C2 as template for Statement of Work (SOW) development and uploading. You are required to upload a SOW for Phase 1 (Concept Paper) submission.


BEFORE YOU BID: NYSERDA requires contractors producing content intended to be published to the World Wide Web to adhere to NYSERDA's Accessibility Policy. This includes, but is not limited to, deliverables such as: documents (PDF, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, etc.), audio (.mp3, .wav, etc.), video (.mp4, .mpg, .avi, etc.), graphics (.jpg, .png, etc.), web pages (.html, .aspx, etc.), and other multimedia and streaming media content. For more information, see NYSERDA's Accessibility Requirements [PDF].

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