Company Information(Step 1 of 6)

An organization should enter the name shown on its charter, articles of incorporation, or other legal documents that created the organization. Do not abbreviate names.
If different from legal business name, enter the name you normally do business as (DBA) or another name your entity is known by.
Enter your business website. Use full URL format, e.g. "".
Enter your company's primary mailing address.
If “Street Address 1” is a P.O. Box, enter the physical street address here.
Select the entity type doing business with New York State.
Please Select if Applicable (check all that apply)
Please provide your NYS M/WBE or SDVOBE number.
If you are exempt from backup witholding and/or FATCA reporting, provide any EPC that may apply to you. For EPC and additional instructions, please refer to the instructions located on IRS form W-9, which can be found here
Tax identification type: (Required)
Your Employer Identification Number (EIN) is not your Social Security Number.
See the IRS Form W-9 instructions for more information. IRS Form W-9 Instructions
Do not submit a Social Security Number to NYSERDA on this form.
If, in accordance with the rules on IRS Form-W9, your taxpayer identification number is a Social Security Number, complete all other information on this form and leave Employer Identification Number blank. In addition, mail a printed and signed copy of IRS Form W-9 to NYSERDA, attention to  NYSERDA Finance, 17 Columbia Circle, Albany, NY 12203. Include your auto-generated Application Number on this and any forms submitted by mail to NYSERDA. You will receive your Application Number upon submission of your application.
Click to view or print the IRS Form W-9